Welcome to the Primary & Community Care Academy!
What’s new?
Keep up to date with what’s new in the Academy through our Twitter page, Blog Posts and Podcasts.
Royal College of Nursing Wales – Nurse of The Year Awards 2021
We’re here to support our current and future primary and community care workforce to be the best they can be.
- Provision of relevant training modules
- Provision and development of Training Hubs
- Coordination of advance practice training opportunities
- Arranging mentorship and clinical supervision for those developing advance practice skills
- Examples of good practice and innovation exemplars
- Packages of coordinated support and advice to practices experiencing sustainability difficulties
- Individual career development advice
- Extending the knowledge-base in prudent primary and community healthcare, and the multidisciplinary social model of care
- Support for practitioners interested in research and innovation
On a day to day basis the Academy is run by a small administrative team. Professional support is delivered through a Faculty of experts, with the priorities of the Academy overseen by the Faculty steering committee. Click here for our Faculty page
Feel free to explore our site. We are committed to sharing our knowledge and efforts, so whilst some resources are password protected, most are not!
…. all we ask is that if you borrow something then please respect the efforts that have gone into creating it and acknowledge us as the original source.