Welcome to the North Wales Dental Academy
Our aim is to provide both established and newly qualified dental professionals with an opportunity to train, work, upskill and live in a beautiful part of the world, North Wales. Where ever you are on your career path and whatever route you are following, we have the knowledge, relationships, opportunities and support network to help you further your career to help you reach your maximum potential.
Working alongside a network of committed partners, the Health Board, BCUHB Primary Care & Community Academy, Welsh Government, Bangor University, Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW), All Wales Faculty of Dental Care Professionals (AWFDCP) and providers across BCUHB; the North Wales Dental Academy (NWDA) will provide training, education, & support to all dental care professionals at both undergraduate and post graduate level.
It is an exciting time at the North Wales Dental Academy with many new opportunities. We would love you to be a part of it.
Get involved, join us and help shape a brighter future for both North Wales Dental and YOU!

Latest news from the North Wales Dental Academy
Click here for Newsletter – January 2022
In this first podcast edition, the panel explains where we are at with developing the academy and training & education opportunities; where we are at with developing the workforce, what we are doing about skill mix and what difference it is all going to make to the North Wales dentistry workforce.
Panel members: Peter Greensmith & Sandra Sandham (BCUHB), Paul Brocklehurst (Welsh Government) Adrian Thorp (HEIW) and Fiona Sandom (AWFDCP – Bangor University) . Hosted by Jez Hemming (BCUHB Comms)
Click here for Newsletter – November 2021
Click here for Newsletter – October 2021
Click here for Newsletter – September 2021
September 2021 – Listen to Peter Greensmith, Project Director, provide an overview of where the project is up to, the future vision and what individuals and practices can do currently to get involved.
Contact us
Got an idea for the North Wales Dental Academy to get involved with?
Would your dental team benefit from specific training?
Let us know!
email: BCU.NorthWalesDentalAcademy@wales.nhs.uk