The Specialist Advisory Forum (SAF) was created to provide a Clinical Nurse Led virtual learning platform.
Who for: Nursing at all levels who want to take advantage of bite sized learning opportunities in a range of long term conditions.
Ideal for: We welcome ALL nurses looking to diversify or refresh their knowledge base, especially where a range of skills in multiple condition management are expected for their roles. Examples would be: Practice Nursing / Community Nursing.
Delivering learning through range of presentation and case based approaches.
Get Involved
Using Virtual Learning, become a member and as the sessions build up, access a repository of peer reviewed learning materials, relevant to clinical practice and underpinned by a sound evidence base.
Interact: Participate in case discussions / Ask the expert sessions
Evaluate & Reflect: Utilise this learning opportunity to support your NMC Revalidation.
Propose: Influence the agenda & request future topics
Access the monthly session through home or work email.
How to become a member:
To sign up Email
Enter SAF Membership in the subject heading.
Ensure you have access to join the meetings through Microsoft Teams.
Any questions? Email
Monthly Virtual Learning, developed by BCUHB nurses.