Primary Care – Dental Clusters

At locality level we have seen primary care clusters working well for general medical practices, but to date, dental engagement in clusters has been limited. There are opportunities for the North Wales Dental Academy to help establish a network for the dental teams (General Dental Service , Community Dental Service and Specialist services) within the locality to work together to increase efficiency, improve the stability of service delivery, and learn the value of neighbourhood collaborative working.  Learning and benefits can be shared across all the localities of the Health Board.

More information coming soon!

Opportunity for Co-Development of MOOCS

The All Wales Faculty (AWFDCP) are building a portfolio of online training courses (MOOCs) aimed at Dental Care Professionals (DCP). These career development programmes are aimed at developing the DCP workforce in key areas aligned to workforce requirements. For more information visit –  All-Wales Faculty for Dental Care Professionals | All MOOC’s (

There is a large opportunity for co-development of MOOCs with expertise recruited to, or affiliated with, the North Wales Dental Academy. Using the current model for MOOC development the All Wales Faculty only need content/curriculum guidance from a subject specialist, and, with that ,they generate articles, animations and podcasts to deliver the content. This model could be the foundation for a larger scale clinical/professional/service series.

If you are a subject specialist and would like to get involved, please get in touch by email:


Quality Improvement Programme

The Quality Improvement Programme is a suite of tools to support dental practices and their teams in their continuing postgraduate development and education.

This supported development programme helps to identify and meet the educational needs of individuals and dental practice teams. Shared educational experiences provide practice teams with the principles for self-improvement and quality improvement allowing them to adapt and develop according to current national quality plans.  For more information please visit:  HEIW – Quality Improvement Programme

Working alongside HEIW, our aim is to provide a safe and trusted academy practice in Bangor, for dentists and dental teams to be able to come, learn and upskill together.

More information coming soon!


Peer Review 

The aim of peer review is to share experiences and identify areas in which changes can be made with the objective of improving the quality of service offered to patients. It is for dental professionals to take the initiative in contacting their peers in other practices to form a peer review group. To find out more about peer review visit HEIW – Peer review

The North Wales Dental Academy Practice in Bangor will have meeting rooms, a lecture facility and camera linked up surgeries, so it will be an ideal facility for peer groups to attend to carry out demonstration’s, observations and share good practice. Opening Spring 2022!


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