We have complied a list of our frequently asked questions from applicants looking at living and working in North Wales. If you have any further questions that we haven’t covered, please get in through though our Contact us page.
Where is North Wales?
Based in the North West of the UK, we have excellent road links, within North Wales, and to the rest of the UK.
You can live in Rural North Wales, thriving towns, or commute from Chester or Liverpool.
House prices are very competitive.
Great selection of state and private schools.
Largest health board in Wales, giving applicants the opportunity to develop a unique portfolio role working across primary/community/secondary care.
Do I need to speak Welsh to work in North Wales?
In North Wales there is a rich welsh language, culture and history, speaking and learning Welsh is actively promoted within the health board.
The ability to speak Welsh is a desirable quality, and applications from English speakers will be treated equally as those in Welsh.
If you would like to learn Welsh, there are plenty of face to face and online classes available through our dedicated Welsh Language Tutor.
How do I get onto the Welsh Performers List?
Contrary to popular belief, the process of registering onto the Welsh Performers List is not a lengthy one, a speedy process has been put in place to ensure there are no delays in you joining us in Wales to work.
Is there any possibility of undertaking a specialist interest whilst working as a GP in North Wales?
Yes. The Health Board has a vast amount of different specialties and departments across North Wales, and any GP role has the opportunity to undertake a specialty in addition – this also includes further development in teaching, mentoring etc. Just ask!